Explore Pre-Planning Catholic Burial Options During & After Our Parish Meet & Greet Events

Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark welcomes you to our parish’s Meet and Greet events. Explore the spiritual and practical sides of pre-planning your Catholic burial arrangements, and gain compassionate insights into the Church’s teachings on funerals.

The Meet and Greet provides a no-pressure opportunity to ask questions and understand the spiritual journey of a Catholic funeral. Our Memorial Planning Advisors will guide you through this reflective process, offering clarity on subjects like the Order of Christian Funerals and Rite of Committal.

Join us post-Mass for brief announcements, or consult our exclusive “Continuing the Journey” guide for an enriched funeral experience.

If you missed the Meet and Greet event, please fill out the form below. Our advisors will contact you to visit one of our beautiful cemetery locations.

May peace be with you. We are here to assist you in this vital aspect of your faith journey.

In Christ,

Catholic Cemeteries of the Archdiocese of Newark

Rev. John Gabriel, Pastor, St. Paul Parish, Ramsey

Assumption Parish

Rev. Marcin Fuks, Pastor, St. Bernard Parish, Plainfield, NJ.

Monsignor Robert J. Fuhrman, Pastor, St. Philomena, Livingston, NJ